What can X-Fly Wheel do to help decarbonize Europe?
To promote decarbonization and energy storage in Europe, the new European organization called the ‘Energy Storage Coalition’ was founded by SolarPower Europe, the European Association for Storage of Energy, WindEurope, and Breakthrough Energy.
The coalition aims to achieve three main objectives:
first of all, to raise awareness about the services offered by energy storage.
secondly, identify the obstacles to the spread of renewable energy;
finally, to support a financial, legal, and political framework to promote the implementation of energy storage systems.
The three goals mentioned are crucial for the circular transition and decarbonization of Europe.
Storage systems include devices that absorb and release electricity.
They can be installed on various types of solar plants and on installations powered by different renewable sources. Combining storage systems with green energy maximizes efficiency and offers benefits such as flexibility, grid balancing, secure supply, energy savings, and infrastructure resilience. By reducing dependence on fossil fuels, they contribute to environmental sustainability and the transformation of the European energy sector.
As you already know, X-Fly Wheel is a multi-kinetic flywheel battery, which can be used in the energy storage sector, and now, more than ever, it can contribute to achieving this important mission – decarbonizing Europe.
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