X-Fly Wheel is the first multi-kinetic flywheel battery. The multi-kinetic flywheel battery stores energy from multiple flywheels that rotate synchronously and collectively around a single central axis, which accumulates and redistributes energy.
Why is the product innovative?
Because currently there are only single-flywheel batteries that operate on the same physical principle but with a lower energy storage capacity for the same mass and volume of the product. The innovation is protected by an international patent.
Why is the project sustainable?
The product does not require metals and/or rare earths for manufacturing and can be replicated practically anywhere in the world.
Why is the product eco-friendly?
The battery is environmentally friendly as it does not use harmful chemical components, thus reducing the environmental impact of the project.
Why is X-Fly Wheel the battery of the future?
The X-Fly Wheel battery offers many advantages over its competitors’ analogs, including the following three as examples:
Unlimited lifespan
Stable performance
Fast recharging
For more detailed information, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
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